Wednesday, April 29, 2009

More poems


The fog that forces season's change

has somehow seeped into her house;

no offshore breeze lifts the palm fronds

or stirs the curtains at her door.

Damp sheets cling to her

like lambskin gloves,

or hairs upon a mouse.

A misted mirror shows her face

behind a murky mask that tires

her with its epigraphs to love

or hatred or compassion.

The head scarf shrouds

beauty deep inside her

a mole in the dark

splashed upon her face.

Scales on her eyes freeze

when she removes her blouse,

sky caves in, soul flattens,

heart pinches, crucified,

alone on her bed of nails.

And still the fog hangs on

where long ago she walked the sands

daring the sun to burn her down.

Far off along the shore,

sea sounds mute the silent change

her tongue of fire and ice is still.


She is an ice-blue distant galaxy
approachable but through a lens of fantasy;
In her I spy visions of fire and fury
exploding light and passion at her core.

If I could fly once more
to pierce the dark surrounding space
come into close orbit
I might revolve around her

Space is so empty
galaxies so far
the gravity of her so great
that I will surely be drawn in
burned alive.

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